The Truckee River Operations Forum (TROF) provides seasonal operations forecasts of river flow and reservoir storage in the Truckee Basin, based on NRCS monthly runoff volume forecasts beginning in January of each year. The seasonal operations model runs are produced monthly by the TROA Planning staff in cooperation with staff of the Federal Water Master and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Operations forecasts have inherent uncertainties such as future weather conditions, actual runoff volumes, distribution and timing of runoff, as well as imperfect knowledge of operating parties’ decisions. For updated information regarding actual reservoir releases and river flows the Water Master staff can be contacted directly at (775)784-5241.

TROF forecasts are published on the TROA.net website after the operations model runs have been reviewed and discussed with the operating parties. All model forecasts, especially those prepared in January through March are only preliminary estimates of future reservoir storage, releases and river flows. As the season progress through the winter snowpack accumulation period, forecasts are refined. Snowpack and weather conditions are typically more stable by April. Therefore more reliable runoff and operations forecasts can be prepared at that time. The April forecast is presented for information purposes in a formal TROF meeting. Additional forecasts may be prepared and presented in May and June if necessary due to changing conditions.

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